September 2024
Wissenschaftlich diskutieren: Herausforderungen, passende Lösungen und Formate
This event takes place in German.
UHH-GPT kennenlernen: Grundlagen und Tipps zum Einsatz (Zielgruppe Einsteiger:innen)
This event takes place in German.
Filmseminar against austerity: "Five broken cameras" (2011) with Emad Burnat and Guy Davidi
A film by Emad Burnat (OmU, PAL/ISR, 2011)
Peace requires courage. The courage to overcome structural and physical violence, social inequality, cultural degradation, competition and oppression as well as the business of cruelty in a civilian way. This is the supreme task of the international world community and - after two initiated, devastating and lost world wars - the historical responsibility...
Producing Short Explanatory Videos: 3 Quick and Simple Options
HUL - Short Sessions
Would you like to receive inspiring ideas and exchange thoughts on teaching topics while enjoying a relaxed breakfast coffee? Then you're in the right place!
In one-hour interactive web sessions, we aim to provide you with impulses for your teaching at UHH and space for exchange and questions.
Everyone interested in topics regarding "Teaching and learning at UHH" is...
Vorlesungen lernförderlich gestalten: Praktische Ansatzpunkte
This event takes place in German.
Studierende aktivieren: Schnelle Methoden für die Lehre
This event takes place in German.
Using Chatbots to Improve Teaching and Learning: Get Inspired by Examples
HUL - Short Sessions
Would you like to receive inspiring ideas and exchange thoughts on teaching topics while enjoying a relaxed breakfast coffee? Then you're in the right place!
In one-hour interactive web sessions, we aim to provide you with impulses for your teaching at UHH and space for exchange and questions.
Everyone interested in topics regarding "Teaching and learning at UHH" is...
October 2024
Kleingruppenarbeit planen und durchführen: Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen
This event takes place in German.
Aus der Praxis: E-Klausuren erfolgreich vor Ort durchführen
This event takes place in German.
Checking for Understanding: How to Implement Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs)
HUL - Short Sessions
Would you like to receive inspiring ideas and exchange thoughts on teaching topics while enjoying a relaxed breakfast coffee? Then you're in the right place!
In one-hour interactive web sessions, we aim to provide you with impulses for your teaching at UHH and space for exchange and questions.
Everyone interested in topics regarding "Teaching and learning at UHH" is...
Kollaboration und Kreativität fördern: Interaktive Lehre mit dem Online-Whiteboard Collaboard
This event takes place in German.
AI Hands-on #5: Custom GPTs and Prompting
This event takes place in German.
Aus der Praxis: Mit agilen Methoden selbstverantwortliches Lernen fördern
This event takes place in German.
Meeting a Class for the First Time: Effective First-Day Strategies
HUL - Short Sessions
Would you like to receive inspiring ideas and exchange thoughts on teaching topics while enjoying a relaxed breakfast coffee? Then you're in the right place!
In one-hour interactive web sessions, we aim to provide you with impulses for your teaching at UHH and space for exchange and questions.
Everyone interested in topics regarding "Teaching and learning at UHH" is...
Finden statt suchen – Tipps für die gezielte Stellensuche
This event takes place in German.
Bewerbungsunterlagen – Entscheidungen treffen für die persönliche Bewerbung
This event takes place in German.
Fast FEDDICH: Was nun? Strategien für deinen Wechsel von Uni zu Job
This event takes place in German.
Meet4Insights - Case Study Workshop
This event takes place in German.
Kompetenzanalyse – who fits best?
This event takes place in German.
Überzeugend präsentieren – spannend darstellen, selbstsicher vermitteln
This event takes place in German.
November 2024
fUHHture career day
This event takes place in German.
Digitales Networking – Aufbau eines LinkedIn/Xing Profils und Optimierung der digitalen Sichtbarkeit
This event takes place in German.
DDLitLab im Dialog: Development of subject-related AI communities and implementation of a course on AI and ML
This event takes place in German.
Vortrag zu Geldanlage und Altersvorsorge (Verbraucherzentrale Hamburg e.V.)
This event takes place in German.
The team of Startup Port invites you to a breakfast with female founders. Are you interested in founding a company? Are you about to start a business or have you already founded one? Then come by to exchange ideas with other women about the topic of "founding" and to support each other. What awaits you? Depending on your wishes, there will be a keynote speech or you, as an expert, can exchange...
Vorstellungsgespräche – wie kann ich überzeugen?
This event takes place in German.
Arbeitszeugnisse – wo liegen die Stolperfallen?
This event takes place in German.
Meet & Match – Co-Founder Matching (Female Entrepreneurship Edition)
This event takes place in German.
fUHHture Impulse: Wege in die Musikbranche (online)
This event takes place in German.
Stimm- und Sprechtraining für Frauen
This event takes place in German.
December 2024
Co-Founders connect!
Are you looking for a co-founder? Then you should definitely stop by our “Co-Founders connect!” event on 12.12.2024 from 4-7 pm! Finding a suitable co-founder is crucial for the success of your start-up, because together you can combine your strengths to realize your vision.
As a founder, you have the opportunity to present your idea and yourself with a poster at our event. Show the visitors:
January 2025
The team of Startup Port invites you to a breakfast with female founders. Are you interested in founding a company? Are you about to start a business or have you already founded one? Then come by to exchange ideas with other women about the topic of "founding" and to support each other. What awaits you? Depending on your wishes, there will be a keynote speech or you, as an expert, can exchange...
March 2025
Co-Founders connect!
Are you looking for a co-founder? Then you should definitely stop by our “Co-Founders connect!” event on 06.03.2025 from 4-7 pm! Finding a suitable co-founder is crucial for the success of your start-up, because together you can combine your strengths to realize your vision.
As a founder, you have the opportunity to present your idea and yourself with a poster at our event. Show the visitors:
The team of Startup Port invites you to a breakfast with female founders. Are you interested in founding a company? Are you about to start a business or have you already founded one? Then come by to exchange ideas with other women about the topic of "founding" and to support each other. What awaits you? Depending on your wishes, there will be a keynote speech or you, as an expert, can exchange...